GC-ALB Graphene battery additive

GC-ALB Graphene battery additive

GC-ALB is a Graphene battery additive produced from best  vein graphite .Purity and unique morphology of vein graphite gives additional enhanced feature in final battery additive product. Enhanced design of the GC-ALB additive mainly focused on improvement of lead acid battery performance.


GC-ALB graphene-based additive is  added to a negative electrode paste in loadings that range from 0.2-0.3 wt%. Content will vary  within the range according to the required performance enhancement.

Our  Expanded Graphite shows  huge  improvement in capacity and water-loss. The total  percentages and combination ratio can be subjected to their desired improvement.

Several leading lead acid  battery manufacturers  found advantages of their Silicon Joule bipolar silicon plates and  our  GC-ALB.

Initial studies show that the combination of these elements will lead to higher performing batteries in energy density, charging rates and cycle life. Also creating significantly lower weight.


  • Increase conductivity and electro active surface area.
  • Enhance Capacitance and increases nucleation sites.
  • Reduces the sulfation and increases the cycle life.
  • Reduces water-loss and hydrogen evolution

GC-ALB Graphene battery additive

Bet Area 750 ± 50 m2/g
Iron <1%
Other metals < <1%
Tapped density 5.9 x 10-3 g/cm3
Sheet dimension < 90 μm, < 125 μm
Appearance Soft black powder platelets
Odor Odorless
Stability Stable in room condition